Monday, March 15, 2010

A Knight's Tale: Something for Everyone

Academy Award winning actor, Heath Ledger, makes an appearance before he was the Joker in Batman. This time as William Thatcher, in A Knight's Tale, A movie about a boy who grows up poor is able to "change his stars" and become a knight.
For the ladies, not only is there a delightfully attractive leading male, but a romance story about overcoming boundaries ending up together.
For the gentleman, the heart of the story is for you. There are jousting scenes throughout the entire movie; elements of war and armor are sprinkled in for even more action. The two male leads compete in brains and brawn, constantly over the tournament champion.
Everyone will enjoy the dazzling wit and humor displayed by every character throughout the movie. There is something in A Knight's Tale for everyone, as this movie takes audiences back to a medieval time where chivalry is anything but dead, and the way to honor is won through the triumph of one of the world's most dangerous sports.


  1. First off I have to begin to say that I love this movie! You did an excellent job at giving reasons why this movie is worth going to see whether you are a male or female. If I had not seen this movie before I would deffinitly want to see it after reading your review of it!

  2. I have never seen this movie, but I kind of want to see it now. I really like Heath Ledger except when he plays the Joker in Batman because it creeps me out. I refuse to watch that Batman movie. I really like humor and romance, so this movie seems like something I would like. It was good that you gave reasons why both males and females would like this movie.

  3. Both your introduction to the trailer and the review PIQUED my interest ... this one's on my list! Adventure, armor, and Ledger?! I'm in!
