Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Untold Stories

Immokalee looks, to an outsider, like a split personality. Half thrives off of the Seminole Casinos and modern adaptations. The other half makes a living off of agriculture and the farming industry. Beginning as a safe haven for the Seminole tribes, Immokalee started out as a grass-roots town. Living very close to the earth, the inhabitants were able to keep this region of Florida the same for a very long time. This influence has kept the land good for farming to this day, explaining the rich farming industry.
The old American Dream is still stong in Immokalee. The dream of establishing one's self in a profession and providing for a family should be alive everywhere. They are hard working individuals that represent the core of old American values.
Coming from a town that is run off of the technology and information involved with the space industry, Immokalee is a complete culture shock. The closest thing to farming Merritt Island has ever had is an orange grove... My lack of insight into cities that evolve out of an agricultural socitey limits my ability to make a prediction as to where Immokalee will be in ten years. It is my belief, however, that the town will continue to influence the farming industry, as it has for many years. The US will soon have to make some decisions about importing foreign foods, hopefully to help out the farmers in the States. I also believe that the gambleing industry is only gaining in attention and the casinos will bring in more people to this town. In ten years Immokalee won't have changed much but it will continue to grow in the industries that already monopolize its time.


  1. I also believe that the old American Dream is still strong in Immokalee, but I feel that the new American Dream is in the community also. There are a lot more non-white Americans than there are white Americans in that area. Also, many people in the area are beginning to educate themselves more, whether it be in better ways to farm the land or a formal education. I also agree that gambling is a main source of income in the community. They have one of the bigger casinos in their city.

  2. I think I have been through Immokalee, the town/city is in the middle of nowhere. They still believe in the old American dream. Providing for he family and teach the little ones the family traits. You hit that on the head. But I believe that as time passes technology will become more popular in Immokalee.
